Make Your CPF Nomination | CPF Nomination Scheme in Singapore
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When you die, the CPF Board is instructed to distribute your CPF savings to the people you have nominated. You cannot distribute your CPF savings through a will. To properly plan your estate, you must make a CPF nomination in addition to writing a will. Even if you can’t write a will it’s still important to make a CPF nomination. You may feel cash-strapped, but your and your employer’s mandatory CPF contributions can really add up over time. And there’s a good chance you already have a nice five or six-figure sum in there. Read this blog, we tell you ways to make your CPF nominations.
CPF Nominations
Once you begin receiving CPF contributions, it is a good idea to make a CPF nomination. It is advisable you review your CPF nomination upon major life events. For example, marriage or divorce. There are some important points you should consider. You can choose up to eight people to receive your CPF savings and specify how much each should receive.
Your CPF nominations can only be used to distribute the following items –
- CPF LIFE premiums that have not been used
- Singtel shares have been discounted.
Items that can’t be distributed through CPF –
- CPF savings were used to purchase properties.
- Payments from the Dependants’ Protection Scheme
- CPF investments are investments made through the CPF Investment Scheme.
- Instead, these assets will need to be distributed through a will.
Don’t Have CPF Nominations?
If you have a spouse and children, half of your wealth will go to your spouse, and the other half will be divided evenly among your children. In case you do not have a spouse or children, your estate will be divided among your surviving parents. And if a person dies without a spouse, children, or surviving parents or grandparents, the money may be inherited by siblings or aunts and uncles.
Ways to Make Your CPF Nomination
Online Nomination
Before making a nomination, make sure you have all of your nominees’ full names, NRIC/foreign passport/identification numbers, and mailing addresses. You should also have two witnesses’ full names, NRIC/foreign passport/identity numbers, email addresses, and mobile phone numbers. Your witnesses must be at least 21 years old and hold SingPass accounts. However, they cannot be any of your nominees.
In-Person CPF Nomination
Perhaps you are simply uninterested in technology or prefer the human touch. You can make a CPF nomination in person at a CPF Service Centre rather than online. Make an appointment online at least one day in advance, and remember to bring your NRIC/passport with you. If possible, bring photocopies of your nominees’ NRIC/foreign identification documents as well as their personal information. For instance, full name, NRIC/passport/ID number, mailing address for foreign nominees. There is no need to find witnesses because the CPF Board can simply have one of their employees witness your nomination.
Distribution of CPF Savings
Nominees will receive their CPF savings in the form of cash, check, or GIRO. If you are a parent nominating a special needs child, you can make a Special Needs Savings Scheme (SNSS) nomination. So, that they can receive the money on a monthly basis. It is important to have a nominee and you can follow these points to make your CPF nominations in Singapore.
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