Mobile Phone Insurance Policy | Best Mobile Phone Insurance in Singapore
Insurance | mobile phone

Bought your favourite phone finally? Does your prized possession cost almost as an arm or a leg? Then it would be best for you to insure your mobile phone. As phones become more expensive, advanced, and indispensable. The concept of insuring your prized possession is no longer as absurd as it once was. In this blog, we’ll tell you about the best mobile phone insurance policy in Singapore.
Best Mobile Phone Insurance Policy in Singapore
What is Mobile Phone Insurance?
Few of us can imagine leaving the house (or even going to the bathroom) without our smartphones. Our phones are more vulnerable to accidental damage, theft, and device malfunctions as a result of their high usage. With iPhones and similar devices costing an arm and a leg, mobile phone insurance provides users with peace of mind. Phones are the pocket supercomputers on which we’ve come to rely so heavily. While the concept of mobile insurance sounds appealing in theory, the offerings that have emerged in the market leave much to be desired. Let’s take a look at what’s out there.
Mobile phone insurance is available from three main providers: telcos (such as Singtel or Starhub), hardware manufacturers (such as Apple), and insurance companies. When you buy a new phone, you can purchase phone insurance from any of these companies. However, because they all have different coverage and pricing structures, deciding which one is best can be difficult.
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Unlimited SingTel MobileSwop
SingTel makes the fatal error of spelling “swap” as “swop.” But I can overlook my pet peeve because it offers unlimited phone swaps — a great deal if you’re the type who constantly upgrades your phone. However, you will be charged a fee each time you exchange your phone. The Premium is $9.90, billed monthly (MobileSwop Unlimited) and $12.90 on a monthly basis (MobileSwop Unlimited Premium). And in the coverage, you are offered are -phone service, phone substitution, phone device support and Phone device swap (MobileSwop Unlimited Premium only). However, this excludes all kinds of cosmetic harm,
loss or theft as a result of normal wear and tear, etc.
SmartSupport by StarHub
StarHub SmartSupport costs $12 per month and is similar to Singtel’s, with the exception that swaps are limited to two per year. The monthly premium you will be paying is $12. And the coverage you get is the same as Sing Tel Mobile Swop like phone service, phone substitution (local & overseas), phone exchange (local & overseas) and Phone device compatibility. The exclusions are cosmetic harm, loss or theft as a result of normal wear and tear, etc.
Citibank Lifestyle Guard is a service provided by Citibank (AXA)
Citibank’s Lifestyle Guard mobile phone insurance, underwritten by AXA, also covers laptops and sunglasses. It comes with a 12-month extended warranty, but only if you pay for your phone with their credit card. Citibank Lifestyle Guard (AXA) has a premium of $17.90 per month $199 per year. It is expensive than the others and it covers phone repairs, phone exchange (local & overseas) and theft or loss of a phone (local & overseas). The exclusions are cosmetic harm, wear-and-tear and intentionally caused damage, etc.
DBS Mobile Security (Chubb)
The DBS Mobile Protect is underwritten by Chubb and is the only mobile phone insurance that covers cash loss due to withdrawal or PayLah. It also covers you if the thief uses your phone to make costly phone calls, as well as the loss of important documents. The claims process, on the other hand, is done through a phone call or email to Chubb, which may be a turnoff for some because it is a bit of a hassle. The premium is $15 per month or $180 per year. You get coverage for phone repairs, phone substitution, phone exchange and theft or loss of a phone. Moreover, there are also additional coverage like charges incurred as a result of unauthorised phone use and
Unauthorized cash withdrawal or use of PayLah! The policy excludes cosmetic damage and wear and tear, etc.
Take a look at these best mobile phone insurance policy in Singapore, before you decide which one to buy.