
What You Need to Know About Relocate to Australia

There are certain things you will need to consider before moving to Australia. As any seasoned relocating veteran will tell you, each country has its own set of challenges. Our experts are ready to answer all of your queries and are on standby to give practical advice. Vaccinations are also routine when traveling to Australia, particularly yellow fever vaccination. It is mandatory for people coming from high-risk countries. It is also recommended that you get vaccinations for measles, chicken-pox, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, polio and the annual flu shot. Medical examinations and special health requirements may be necessary and depend on your age, the type of visa you apply for, and country you are coming from. Pets entering the country also require proper permits and are categorized according to group. Group 1 are for cats and dogs that are coming from New Zealand, Cocos Islands, and Norfolk Island. These pets are not required to be issued import permits. Cats and dogs that fall under groups 2 and 3 require proper documentation and import permits. These are cats and dogs that come from certified rabies-free countries and approved countries where rabies is well-controlled, respectively. To learn more read through the relocating section of our Australia guide.


Moving and Shipping Household Goods

You must be aware that bringing your personal belongings to Australia has limitations. Items coming in cannot exceed a total value of 900 AUD (592 USD). Alcohol is limited to 2.25 liters per traveler while only 25 grams of tobacco products can be brought in. Certain agricultural products and homemade food items are prohibited. Items such as clothing, books, sporting equipment, etc., only require a simple Unaccompanied Personal Effects (UPE) statement form, while bigger and more expensive items such as cars, yachts, planes, etc., need an entire Import Declaration Form.

Choose wisely on what you decide to bring over to save on importation costs and possible headaches.

General Goods
Personal goods include:
▸ Jewelry
▸ Watches
▸ Sporting/gym equipment
▸ Perfumes
▸ Leather goods
▸ Cameras
▸ Electronic equipment
▸ Souvenirs
▸ Gifts
Items coming in must be proven to have been owned and used for at least a year or imported temporarily. Up to 10,000 AUD (6,588 USD) is allowed without any restrictions but anything exceeding this amount must be declared.

Alcohol is limited to 2.25 liters per traveler of 18 years old or older.

Only 25 grams of tobacco products can be brought in by a traveler of 18 years old or older.

Arms and Ammunition
All firearms, weapons, and ammunition must be declared including replicas, BB air guns, electric shock devices for self-defense, and knives. Some of these items will require police authorization and a permit.

Passing Through Customs
Here’s a list of the things you can bring and not bring, along with those that you need to declare:

Allowed Not Allowed Declare
Biscuits, bread, cakes, pastries
Chocolates and confectionary
Fresh fruits
Pepper spray
Duty-free items (alcohol and tobacco)
Homemade food
Coffee (roasted, ground, or instant) Food from plane or ship Prescription medication
    Honey products
    Laser pointers
    Meat items

Australia’s Prohibited and Restricted Items

Some restricted items require a permit to enter Australia. Others are prohibited under all circumstances.

These items include:
▸ Drugs and medicines (unless prescribed and must be declared)
▸ Fruit, vegetables, homemade food, and some seeds (can include some spices)
▸ Firearms and weapons (unless declared with the appropriate permits and authorization)
▸ Pepper spray
▸ Intellectual property
▸ Endangered species of plants or live animals
▸ Counterfeit credit, debit, or charge cards
▸ Electronic fly swatters
▸ Laser pointers
▸ Lighters

In 2019, tobacco (cigarettes, molasses tobacco, and loose-leaf tobacco) was included in Australia’s prohibited imports list. Anything over 25 grams of tobacco per person must be declared and paid its applicable duty. Bringing in more than 1.5kg of smokeless tobacco requires a special permission from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

How to Ship Household Items and Belongings

There are strict regulations regarding shipping Unaccompanied Personal Effects (UPEs). These are the items that will not be travelling with you when you go to Australia.
Items that you may bring via ship or air freight must follow these guidelines:
▸ Items must be personal property.
▸ A comprehensive packing list outlining what is inside each box you are shipping must be accomplished (this list will be reviewed by
Australian customs).

Typically, UPEs include things like:
▸ Clothing
▸ Personal hygiene and grooming products
▸ Furniture and appliances
▸ Sporting/gym equipment

A UPE Statement (B534 Form) is required for such items.

The following are not considered UPEs and will be restrained by the Australian Government:
▸ Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts(Please get in touch with the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development prior to
▸ Yachts(will be subject to a 5% duty plus 10% goods and services tax (GST))
▸ Planes/aircrafts
▸ Commercial goods
▸ Bequeathed / inherited goods
▸ Human remains
▸ Goods purchased online
▸ You will need to fill out an Import Declaration (N19) (Form B650) to declare these items
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Home Goods Storage

It is good to know that should you require the services of a storage company in Australia, there are many reasonably priced facilities ready to house your belongings. Choosing the right one for your needs and budget requires some research. You may want to consider its location (for easy access) aside from its size and price. Rates will depend on the length of time you plan to rent out plus the storage space.

You may have to personally visit a few facilities before you find the right one for your needs. Make sure to check the facility’s security system and available onsite staff before making a final decision. Your peace of mind depends on it.

Health Requirements for Australian Immigration

All visa applicants may be subject to specific health examinations.

Permanent and Provisional Visa Applicants

Age Test Required
Under 2 years Medical examination
2 to under 11 years Medical examination and TB screening test
11 to under 15 years Medical examination and chest x-ray
15 or more Medical examination, chest x-ray, HIV test

Temporary Visa Applicants

Examinations will depend on:
▸ Visa type
▸ Length of time you plan to stay in Australia
▸ Level of tuberculosis-risk your country poses
▸ Any other special circumstances
Those who are planning to stay for more than six months and are 11 years old and above or are coming from high-risk countries will be subject to a medical examination and chest x-ray

Additional Test

Additional tests may be required in the following circumstances:
▸ You are coming from a country with a high risk of TB and will be working in a healthcare or hospital environment
▸ You are pregnant and plan to give birth in Australia
▸ You intend to work as a doctor, paramedic, nurse, or dentist
▸ You plan to work for an Australian childcare center
▸ You are 75 years or older and applying for a Visitor visaress-Free Process with Our Essential

Moving with Pets

This depends on the country your animal is coming from, as well as the breed. Not all animals are allowed in Australia.
▸ Birds: selected species from New Zealand only
▸ Dogs: from approved countries only
▸ Cats: from approved countries only
▸ Horses: from approved countries only
▸ Rabbits: New Zealand only

The following dogs are banned in Australia and therefore will not be allowed entry under any circumstances:
▸ Dogo Argentino
▸ Fila Brasileiro
▸ Japanese Tosa
▸ American pit bull terrier or pit bull terrier
▸ Perro de Presa Canario or Presa Canario

Domestic/non-domestic hybrids (e.g. dog-wolf crosses) are also prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:

▸ Czechoslovakian wolfdog or Czechoslovakian Vlcak;
▸ Saarloos wolfdog or Saarloos wolfhound;
▸ Lupo Italiano or Italian wolfdog;
▸ Kunming wolfdog or Kunming dog.

The following domestic/non-domestic hybrid cat breeds cannot be imported into Australia:

▸ Savannah cat, domestic cat (Felis catus) crossed with serval cat (Felis serval)
▸ Safari cat, domestic cat crossed with Geoffroy cat (Oncifelis geoffroyi)
▸ Chausie, domestic cat crossed with Jungle cat (Felis chaus)
▸ Bengal cat, domestic cat crossed with Asian leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis)

Dogs and cats coming from New Zealand, Cocos Islands and Norfolk Island fall under group 1 and do not require an import permit; however, certain conditions may still apply. Dogs and cats coming from approved rabies-free countries (group 2) require an import permit before entering Australia.

Dogs and cats coming from approved countries and territories where rabies is absent or well-controlled (group 3) still require an import permit. If you can’t bear the thought of leaving your furrys behind but come from a non-approved country, there are step-by-step guides you can follow to help you bring your pet Down Under.

An import permit for your pet will cost you 480 AUD (316 USD). A charge of 240 AUD (158 USD) is applied per additional animal.

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