Pre-Move Cleaning & Organization | How to Clean Your Home Before You Move

In this blog, we tell you how to clean and organize before you move. Pre-Move Cleaning & Organization – this is key to moving homes as it will give an estimate of the goods and items you want to move.
Pre-Move Cleaning & Organization
Declutter Your Wardrobe
The most difficult part of the purging process is letting go of old clothes and fashion accessories. While it may be tempting to keep your old tops and tight-fitting jeans on hand, keep in mind that these items will only add weight to your moving boxes and raise your moving bill. Ask yourself these questions as you go through each item in your closet…
Have you worn it within the last year? Consider this. If you haven’t worn this piece of clothing in the last four seasons, it’s probably not something you should keep. Does it fit correctly? Our bodies change in weight, shoe size, and other ways over time. If you have a piece of clothing that no longer fits, it’s time to toss it or take it to a tailor. Is it in good shape? Even if you adore a piece of clothing, if it is stained or irreparably damaged, it is time to part ways. You’re probably never going to wear it again.
Sort out all Appliances and Electronics
After you’ve gotten through the heavier furniture and the mountain of pots and pans, it’s time to tackle your appliances and electronics. If the item is outdated or broken, you will most likely be unable to donate it.
Pre-Move Cleaning & Organization – Clear Your Kitchen Pantry
Check your pantry and make a list of all the food items that you would not be able to transport. Sort out all the items like snacks, dry items, and canned foods and you can choose to donate to the needy.
Donate or Sell Unwanted Furniture, Kitchenware, and Trinkets
Before you move, make a copy of your new home’s floor plan and try to visualize what will go where. If you’re downsizing, get rid of any bulky furniture that you won’t be using in your new home.
If you intend to use your belongings again, you can also rent a storage facility from your mover. These units are a safe, secure, and (often) climate-controlled way to store your items for as little or as long as you need. APAC Relocation provides safe and secure storage facilities at an affordable cost. For a smooth and hassle-free you can contact us!
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