Unique Things about Scotland | Moving to Scotland
International Relocation | Moving Tips

Scotland is one of the most interesting countries to visit. You may have read about mythical creatures, gorgeous landscapes, men wearing skirts, and much more. Scotland has a lot of interesting things to see and explore. You will find lush green plains, high hills, and mountains that offer a magnificent view. If you are planning to move to Scotland, then read this blog to know unique things about Scotland.
Let’s take a look below at the Unique Things about Scotland:
Hodge-Podge Accent
Well, it may be tough for you to initially understand the accent of Scotland. The country has a very unique Scottish accent and it differs from one part of the country to the other. People living in Edinburgh will have a slightly different way of speaking, choice of words, and pronunciation than people in Glasgow. However, Scots are friendly and you may learn the accent too while making some friends.
Narrow Roads
If you have moved to Scotland and want to explore the country, you will come across extremely narrow roads in Scotland. You might be surprised to see how two-way traffic fits in such narrow roads. Nevertheless, new roads will bring in new experiences.
Everyday Cheat Day
Scotland has abundant, fresh produce of fishes from the Scottish seas. So, you will be in for some real fun meal every day. After all, who doesn’t love to gorge on fish & chips? It’s a foodie’s paradise here and you can enjoy many more such Scottish delicacies. Don’t forget battered Mars bars are a real thing here!
Strong Opinion
Scottish people are friendly to outsiders but they have a strong nose for opinions. Scotts are far from fake behaviour and are not shy to call a spade a spade. So, while interacting with people in the country you will find them voicing their opinion straight to the point. They do not like to beat around the bush and have an exceptional sense of humor.
Life Expectancy
Stats shared by the BBC showed that Scottish people tend to have shorter lives as compared to the population in other parts of the UK. The numbers are however improving recently but this one of the unique things about Scotland.
Welcoming to Cultures
The Scottish society is synonymous with culture and traditions. The Scotts hold their cultural heritage in high regard and respect for all cultures. They are welcoming to people from various cultures and traditions.
In Scotland, the weather is a contentious issue and it is no wonder to experience four seasons just in one day. Some days are bright and sunny, while others are gloomy and dark. Summers are the best time to enjoy and winters are harsh and freezing with Baltic snowfall. This is one unique thing about Scotland.
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