Travel Insurance
Make your travel an ‘experience’ by taking a travel insurance plan. Is it expensive? Not at all! Considering the benefits and peace of mind it brings along, thus making your travel a breeze…
…What if some emergency strikes and instead of panicking you are relaxed? With travel insurance, you can imagine this, but God forbid if some untoward incident happened like loss of baggage, a document like a passport or credit card or emergency landing, where would you turn for help? Even worse if flights are delayed or cancelled!
This way we see that travelling is a bundle of uncertainties and it is important to create a safety net for your travel. Travel Insurance are so designed so that they cover the costs and losses thus mitigating the risks of any untoward incident. As a study has pointed out that chances of losing your valuable documents or even gadgets are higher while travelling.
Pick Below are a few common ones
Single Trip
It is a short-term plan that covers a specific one-way trip to Singapore. Hence, if you are travelling to Singapore with no specific date of return, you can opt for this one. This is appropriate for those who are not sure of future travels.
Annual Cover
This insurance plan protects an individual for a complete year. Your trip to any region for up to 90 days are included in this plan, thus ensuring stress-free travel around the year.
Family Plan
A family plan insures you, your spouse and children, however, some providers impose a cap on the number of family members allowed under one plan.
Group Plan
When travelling in groups of five or more, this plan is most beneficial. It covers each individual, but the overall cost would be lower.
If you are a heading for adventure sports/activities or having a pre-existing medical condition or are on a family way, you are not covered by regular travel plans.
There are separate plans for that which would be covering you for certain specific issues.
Take your pick accordingly!

Health Insurance
Health care infrastructure in Singapore is quite robust which is under the supervision of the Ministry of Health of Singapore Government. It’s an efficient and widespread system with cutting – edge technology, highly-trained staff and well-managed facilities are known world over.
All this makes health care costs quite high, hence taking health insurance becomes important. It saves you from incurring heavy expenditures in case of any medical emergency. Health insurance provides coverage not only to you but also to your family members as well. There are many reputed Health Insurer providers whose features you can check on any web aggregators site.
No wonder often foreigners fly into Singapore to obtain this high-end medical care therefore it is no doubt that the cost of medical care is just as high.
The existing health insurance policies you brought from your home country may not cover the cost of hospitalization here in Singapore. Singapore offers health insurance to foreigners who reside in Singapore given certain requirements depending on your work permit or employment pass.
Four main types of health insurance policies

Cargo Insurance
While you are happy about relocating to Singapore, but at the same time, you are worried if your precious household belongings would reach safely. Leave your Cargo Insurance worries with APAC!
Any movement, which changes transportation modes, changes vehicles, changes hands, changes destinations are subject to risks.
Your cargo also changes hands while shipping like for assembling, packing/ repacking, sealing, stamping and offloading on vehicles. This way it is exposed to risks of getting mixed up, broken or lost altogether. It is your major concern that your shipment reaches safely to your marked destination.
To ensure safety, think insurance, cargo insurance. This will give you peace of mind as well as make your replacement process smooth.
Cargo Insurance will enable you to mitigate losses due to theft, catastrophes, damage of goods or loss of goods etc. by ensuring that the value of goods in the cargo is covered.
Common calamities covered by Cargo insurers include:
▸ Natural disaster
▸ Vehicle accidents
▸ Acts of war
▸ Piracy
▸ Cargo abandonment
▸ Customs rejection
When your shipment is damaged due to any of the above reasons, cargo insurance pays up to the amount you insured it for, minus your deductibles.
Typical exclusions would be damages caused by your inadequate packing say if water seeps in and corrodes your shipment, the responsibility for the damage is on you or damages caused by faulty goods like if the carrier can show your product has a flaw that caused the damage, then insurance is not payable.
You need to indicate a price value to every insured item on your list. This price value is what it would cost to replace it at destination if it gets broken beyond repair. This will be required while making the claim.
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