SIM Only Telco Plans | Get a Phone From Telco in Singapore
Budgeting | Singapore

Telcos now provide SIM-only, no-contract programs. Naturally, we move to them because it makes more sense. You don’t have to be locked into a 2-year contract and have the freedom to transfer telecoms anytime a good deal comes up. Sure, you won’t get phone subsidies that individuals on 2-year plans do, but you will get these cheaper SIM-only, no-contract options. Say goodbye to those $80 or $100/month 2-year contract plans! Read this blog, to know more about SIM only telco plans
SIM Only Telco Plans
The catch is that nothing, even smartphones, lasts forever. You’d have to replace your old Samsung, iPhone, or whatever phone you’re using someday. So you’re off to find your own device, whether it’s from the official store, a reseller, or anywhere else. When you locate what you’re looking for, you can choose to pay for it all at once or in installments. You can use your credit card if the merchant or reseller offers it.
Why would someone choose to pay in installments for something?
Paying in installments allows you to purchase a high-priced item, like the latest smartphone, without having to save up a large chunk of money in advance. This makes managing your cash flow less difficult because you may pay off the expense of your item gradually over a period of months.
Even if you can afford to pay for your complete purchase in one lump amount, you may choose to pay in installments. If the returns on that lump sum are superior. For example, if you invest the lump cash while paying for the item in installments, you may find yourself in a better overall financial situation.
Is an installment plan offered by a store/reseller analogous to a device plan offered by SIM Only Telco?
Some telecoms provide device plans that allow you to pay for your phone in monthly payments. And these telco device plans might be very affordable. But what’s the difference between paying a store/reseller in installments with your credit card? And having a device plan from your telco?
Other Benefits
Being a customer of a reputable telecommunications company also entitles you to other benefits. Aside from lower rates, there are other benefits to StarHub’s EasyGo device plan. For example, you can get a free month of the SmartSupport add-on. It includes two device swaps or one replacement and one swap, as well as free delivery to any location in Singapore within four hours. Gone are the days when you were left high and dry if something happened to your phone.
SmartSupport also provides one-click access to StarHub’s tech support team from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, allowing you to obtain assistance with backups, data transfers, and other issues. In short, if you’re a SIM-only user, you may save even more money on your new phone by using a telco’s device plan, such as StarHub’s EasyGo. It allows you to pay for your new phone in up to 24 monthly installments.