Why You Should Buy Travel Insurance | Importance of Travel Insurance
Insurance | Travel Insurance

In this blog, we tell you why you should buy travel insurance for all your trips and vacations. Read on to find out more…
Why You Should Buy Travel Insurance
Emergencies in medicine
One of the most serious “what ifs” is an overseas medical emergency. A friend of a friend was diagnosed with terminal cancer while travelling abroad. She was deemed unfit to fly and was stranded abroad. The only way the hospital would allow her to fly was via emergency medical evacuation, complete with doctors and equipment.
Not all travel insurance policies are the same. This means that if you don’t want to spend too much money, you can choose a more basic plan that is less expensive. This means that the total amount you can claim in each category will be reduced. You will also be denied coverage in certain areas, such as pre-existing medical conditions.
Otherwise, always look for promo codes and current travel insurance promotions before clicking “Buy.” These travel insurance promotions are typically available all year. You’ll always find a decent 30 percent or 40% discount on premiums.
Luggage delays or loss
You may have painstakingly packed your chicest outfits for your debut on the streets of Paris, but if your luggage is delayed or, worse, lost, all of that goes to waste. It’s not a life or death situation, but being stuck in a foreign country with only one set of underwear will feel like the end of the world. Especially since insurance payouts for delayed baggage can be quite generous.
When I was returning to Singapore a few years ago, my luggage was delayed by half a day. It didn’t bother me because I had everything I needed at home anyway. However, thanks to my travel insurance, I received somewhere in the neighbourhood of $500. I would have kicked myself for not purchasing insurance simply because I would have missed out on the opportunity to earn $500 for doing nothing.
You’ve missed your connecting flight
If you’re a budget traveller, I’m sure you’ve tried to sleep in an airport at least once because of an inconvenient layover on the cheap airline ticket you purchased. It’s not enjoyable. If you miss your connecting flight due to a previous delayed flight, your vacation could turn into a nightmare at the airport.
You can get quite a large sum of money for missing a connecting flight. The cost of lodging and meals while waiting for the next available flight is usually covered by travel insurance. This can amount to several hundred dollars.
Having your wallet stolen
If you aren’t the most streetwise of travellers, you may require travel insurance in case you are robbed or pickpocketed. Travel insurance typically covers not only theft of money or personal belongings, but also theft of travel documents such as passports. It’s especially important to have passport insurance because getting a new one can cost a lot of money and extra hotel stays.
Emergency dental care
If you get the flu, a few days at a hotel can be the best medicine. However, when it comes to dental emergencies, whether you have a broken tooth or a toothache, failing to see a dentist as soon as possible could mean either ruining your trip or looking terrible in all your holiday photos. Every time I travel to another country, I purchase travel insurance.
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